Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gay marriage and our call to love one another

This isn't going to be a popular post, especially among my Christian friends. Let me start by giving my position on the topic of gay marriage: It's wrong to be gay, and in the Biblical aspect it's wrong for gays to get married. Homosexuality is a sin. Flat out, no ands ifs or buts about it. I personally find it to be disgusting. Now let me get to the heart of why I'm writing this post: We, as Christians, are suppose to love everyone. I'm going to go into detail about a few concerns I have about this topic, and what I feel Christians are missing. I will also say, my opinion on this has changed drastically over the last year.
First, let's deal with the political nature of the issue. Most Christians, by either moral or fiscal reasons, usually identify with Conservative/Republican parties. In politics, people like to agree with some things, then disagree with other points within the same structure. This comes to mind when you look at religious freedom in this country. People do not have to agree with us on religion. Heck, they may be the complete opposite of us on every issue. Does this mean they should be treated differently? No. If someone is gay, we may not agree with it, but it's not our choice. We can witness to them, talk to them about our concerns, but ultimately, they do not have to side with us. This difference in opinion shouldn't keep them from having the same rights as us, this is America people. Atheist, satanist, and Christians all live around each other, and none trump the other as far as being an American citizen. Marriage to some people, is just the unity of two people who love each other, and has nothing to do with religion. I know this is difficult to hear, but WE DON'T CONTROL EVERY ONE'S CHOICES. If a gay couple want a piece of paper to give them the same benefits (Health care, POA) I have no problem with this. They are not saying they are married in the Biblical sense anyways.
We are called to love thy neighbor, When did it become OK to judge/hate others due to the way they sin? Most Christians believe that all sin is equal. If this is the case, Homosexuals are no different than us, so how can we judge them with such harshness? You don't have to agree with someone to respect and love them. This is what we should be doing. You can witness and spread the Holy Word without disparaging and ridiculing the very people to which you are hoping to reach. Do you want "Joe" not to be able to get health care just because he is gay? Where's your compassion? This is a hard concept to grasp, I know, I deal with it constantly. I use to be completely against anything about homosexuality. I still disagree with it, I just think we forget to show love in the way that we should.

Sin is sin. We are all guilty. We are blessed to have a loving and merciful God. It's time that we stand together and stop being so divisive. You and I are not the Judge or the Jury, we are all children of the same Father.


  1. First of all check out this website: They have very interesting articles to stretch your brain and your faith as far as your inner eye can see. Specifically this article on homosexuality in the Bible:
    I recommend this to you because EVERYONE, whether they accept it or not, views the world through religious colored glasses. Church goer or not, people have shaped their views AROUND religion and what they have learned from a Bible based society. Everything we know and believe is based off of a religious system that has painted life through the eyes of scripture. I'll let you digest that for a minute....maybe more.
    What i've had to try doing in the past (as well as now) is picture my life, my decisions, and all my beliefs as being based on a "scriptureless" society. What if there were no Bible for me to refer to, cross reference, and club people with to prove my point of view? Interesting.
    Looking at nature, not the Bible, I was surprised to find there are several species who demonstrate homosexual behavior. A LOT of common species as a matter of fact. So this is not just a human trait. It is not normal to engage in this activity on either level, but it is still not unheard of for either of our species to engage in homosexual activity.
    Christianity labels it as "demonic". People who are homosexual are possessed by the devil and need to be delivered. Give me an ignorant break. Guess I need to go and exorcise a penguin too then, because they are one of the many species that engages in such activity. I really think it may be in the brain somehow. I've actually looked at some studies that proves it. Homosexuals, for several reasons, can't help being their head. Don't want to be too long here dude, but I really think we need to set that "God stuff" to the side sometimes to see what we find out. Not dismissing scripture from being influential for our hearts and lives, but when it comes to social's a whole other ball game. I agree with you therefore, accept the homosexual community, for they are no different than the samaritans that Jesus accepted during his time.

  2. The thing is, you cannot look at nature and not look at God. This was all created as you know ( I know you believe in God, clarifying for any readers)and as you stated is not normal in any species, even though it occurs. I'm not sure where you were going on this point, maybe I missed the premise. While I am not set on scripture this, scripture that, I don't believe in my heart that homosexuality is right....let's look at it from a common sense point of view. I wouldn't walk into a room full of 3 year olds with a board with square holes, but only give them round doesn't fit.. from an equipment stand point, to a reproductive stand point, homosexuality just doesn't fit...but that wasn't what this post was about.It was about being recognized in order to get benefits/ legal rights... It was about how we judge and ridicule gays, when we should be loving them, regardless of our difference in views..This we agree on.

  3. Yes I do agree with you. All I was trying to do was think outside the typical box of Christianity in order to expand the topic. I don't agree with homosexuality. Yes, we should love and accept them as much as anyone else. No, I don't think there is a God upstairs looking down, disappointed in their lifestyle and judging them. I was trying to say (with having a few beers in me at the time:)) that we look at this stuff and take views from religion to explain our points of view. I think we need to remove ourselves from a theistic point of view that shows a God up there judging people down here. Let homosexuals have what they feel they need, I agree, it's only fair and just. They are Products of the creator just as we are.

  4. It's hard for me to remove religion from my view, especially when trying to explain situtations involving God. I understand that you have an ability to think that far outside of the box, but i'm not quite there. People do lean on stuff they have read, or heard, from others about God and use this to explain their point of view, instead of searching deeper to find their own answers. I think it's just easier, and people are lazy, frankly....
