Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tiny Hearts and The Savage

Let's get to the absolute basics in this post: The right to live. I've seen multiple posts on Facebook and around the web on this in the last few days and have decided to write about it. Abortion is wrapped into politics and religion, and I intend to explain that it is wrong in ANY circumstance. I know some people will not like what I'm about to say, as I feel strongly about it, so please read on with caution. Usually there is three reasons for abortion: Inconvenience, medical abnormalities, or rape.

Inconvenience....this is tough to talk about because I can get really emotional about it. Politically speaking, women should have the choice in what goes on in their body and such. Obviously, this is a vote getter for liberals, making sure they lock in the women rights groups. Religiously, abortion is frowned upon due to it being the murder of a child. These are very opposite view points, but as I am a Christian, I will go with that aspect. I get it. You are a teenager and you don't want to deal with was an're just 15, have your whole life ahead of you right? GET OVER IT. Mistakes happen, but let me assure you that human life and creation is not one. This is God's work. A child shouldn't be murdered because you don't want to deal with it right now, or because you don't like the guy who got you pregnant. You do not have the RIGHT to decide whether or not you should have to "pay for the mistakes you've made." Don't have sex if you are worried about this...It's that simple.

OK, so you've had an ultrasound and they are saying there is a chance of some serious medical conditions..It would be easier (and cheaper, too) just to abort and try again later, right? Good grief...When did we start killing people because of this? Chances are just that, chances...They could overcome it, and go on to live a normal life....Even if this is not the case, the amount of time they are here with you and the amount of love given would be invaluable! These things happen for a reason. Maybe it's spiritual growth. Maybe it's learning to love everyone, in all circumstances. "5 years of testing and hospital visits is just torture on the child, I would never do that to them." This isn't about the child...THEY WILL LOVE YOU REGARDLESS. This is about point number one, which is that it's an inconvenience to YOU. You are worried about your well being. It's hard, but not an excuse for abortion. You can find others who have/are dealing with this to help you, or better yet, call on the Lord for peace and resolve.

Rape is a despicable crime. I'm not about turning the victim into a suspect, but hear me out: It's still not OK to abort the child! The child is a constant reminder of the extremely personal, disgusting person who impregnated you. The 9 months of medical bills don't help either. This situation will test your walk with God more than anything, I think. This happened for a reason, and you have choices: Abort, have and keep, or put up for adoption.  Let's look at the last two. Just because the child was a product of rape, doesn't make them any less of a human being. After having the baby, you could find out that you still love it and care for it nonetheless. You could give it to a family who cannot have a child, blessing them for a life time. Either way, the child lives and gets to experience life and love. This is amazing. Because of your sacrifice, a flower blooms out of the ashes! Love is powerful. It shapes our decision, it helps us make the difficult choices. Abortion in this situation does nothing but get rid of the pain that another has caused you. I know this sounds unsympathetic, but this child's life is more important that your emotions. If you surround yourself with good, loving people, and lean on God you can get through this, and be better for it!

Let me close with something that will blow your mind. Think about if your parents were to come to you today and tell you that you were the result of a rape (your father is not your father). Let that sink in for a moment. Would that nullify all that you have accomplished? Would that change all of the things you have experienced? Would that change the love you have for your family or God? Because of your mother's unselfish ways and great sacrifice, you are here, enjoying the world! If you were aborted, think of what you would have missed: playtime at the park....snuggling with your mom when you were sick....first day of school...your first kiss.....sunsets...springtime in the south...your marriage day....the birth of YOUR first child.....This should bring a tearful realization to you. This is important stuff! If you have had an abortion, God still loves you...I pray for you, because I couldn't deal with the pain of knowing that I have killed an innocent child.

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