Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dream On

I had an interesting dream last night. I normally wouldn't post a dream on my blog, but it left a lasting impression of a lesson learned. So here it is:

Blurry details lead in to me eating a not-to-pleasant substance. It was disgusting and not something I would ever normally do. I walk into a building, maybe someone's house, where a party is occurring. I am not married and there is quite a few attractive women in the room. This is normally a situation where I would thrive, as I am a social person. I start talking with a girl. She immediately notices a tattoo on my arm ( In the dream I have no other tattoos, weird huh?). The tattoo has some biblical or religious theme with a verse above it. Instead of a brief explanation, then a move to a more popular topic, I explain, in great detail I might add, my faith and belief in God.  She looks slightly confused, being that no one else is talking about such a heavy topic, but eventually begins to be genuinely interested in what I'm saying. I don't stumble, I witness to this girl, instead of hitting on her.

So let's talk about the lesson learned. First of all, I have never had a dream about religion or God. I also don't have dreams where I wake up feeling like I have just had an epiphany. Usually, I have crazy dreams about ghosts, monsters, and other abnormal things. I put it all together and came to the conclusion that I was being told to watch what I say. At work, it is easy sometimes to cuss, say lewd things, and to gossip (yes guys gossip, A LOT). This is something most people experience, I think. While I don't necessarily think swearing itself is bad (the intent behind any word is the problem), I realized that others may think it is. What if I was a stumbling block for someone who is trying not to swear? What if I ruined my witness because someone heard me gossiping or swearing and thought I was a fraud? Right or wrong, it's not about whether I think it's wrong, it's about others. I want to be an encouragement to others. I want to be a light in the dark. I don't want to just blend in. Watch what I say, this hit home. The first part of the dream, obviously, was a reference to the crap that comes out of my mouth, and how it is not appealing to God or others. I believe the tattoo was a symbol for the permanent branding I shouldn't be ashamed of, which is being a follower of Christ. The dream also made me realize that I am getting more vocal about my faith. Oh, the things we can learn if we just become perceptive to what God is trying to tell us.


  1. I like this a lot as I struggle with it myself. It's so easy to be led into talking or acting differently than what we normally would all just to fit in or be accepted. Even if we say we don't need to be accepted, I find in myself when I step back and really look at it that subconsciously I have a great need to "fit in". I try to stay separate from that do my best to first step back from a conversation or act and take a good look at it and how I'm influencing it. Wether it would be a positive light in representing God or a negative light like harming my testimony.

  2. Sometimes I really let myself down on this subject. I'll go into work saying "I'm not going to talk about people, I'm not going to swear" but the first thing I do when confronted with others that do is fall right into it. It's sad, and I feel like it should be something easy to defeat, but it isn't. Just one little thing that can lead to other, bigger things.
