I use to be extremely into politics in the not so distant past. I was a die hard conservative, and given the opportunity, I would push my views on everyone. Let me be clear: I still have some of the same views, I'm just not abrasive about it any more. In our country, it's common to be either far right, or far left, with the middle making up the gigantic part of the population who really could care less, but act like they do. Everyone is always blaming each other for everything. Heck, our media outlets cannot even be honest about their agenda any more. Regardless of what we think, there isn't a news medium that does a good job hiding the political prejudice that seeps through every small crack in each reporting. People follow certain stations, websites, TV shows, as if they are the only ones reporting something correct, and will quickly defend it as such when put up against someone who follows different programing.
Why does this matter? I'm not saying to cave in your beliefs, or not to feel strongly about them, I'm saying that politicians, news programs, talk radio and such are divisive tools that cause people to tear each other apart. I use to listen to talk radio for hours a day. On the way to work, on my lunch break, on the way home. I got so angry listening to it, and when it was all said and done, I did exactly what they were hoping: I HATED the other side. These things serve one purpose and it's to capitalize off your hatred for the opposing views of other people. It took me a long time to understand this.
The right thinks that liberals only care about expanding government in an attempt to secure their own jobs, while capitalizing off the backs of honest tax payers. The left thinks that the right don't care about people, and want to eliminate all aid for minorities and the poor, while pushing religion and it's practices on the country. Who is right here? I venture to say that it doesn't matter at all. Politicians care about one thing: getting re-elected. Right panders to the gun owning, religion loving, people who think the country should be exactly the way it was founded. Left panders to the people who are dependent on the help they set in place, in the form of social programs, to the people under the poverty level and, honestly, minorities. All they care about is getting votes. They do not care about you, the individual, so why all the hate? We act like these people are walking extensions of our own body, in which we use to batter and beat others who don't agree with us.
When I sat down and evaluated how God's love had and is changing me from the inside out, I realized that my own political views had changed. While I still fall on the conservative side on topics such as abortion and homosexuality, I've strayed from capitol punishment and the disparagement of all social programs. I've learned that I don't have to identify with anyone and I can believe what I feel is the right way to believe, regardless of what anyone thinks. I came to the conclusion that I feel myself aligning with the basic principles of my relationship with God, and this makes up what my political beliefs should be.
I had a reality check a few years ago when I had just changed jobs and couldn't afford the ridiculous insurance premiums. According to the state, my family was under the poverty line, so we qualified for government assistance. While I did not take food stamps or EBT and WIC, we did use Medicaid for a while for my wife and children's health needs. While it could be said that I paid taxes for years to support this program, I still used it and was a giant hypocrite. But the point was, it was there and I needed it. The problem is, while people do abuse it, we assume that everyone does and that nobody truly needs the assistance. This is wrong. If we are to love like Jesus, we should assume the BEST in people, not the worst, and not punish those who are in need for the mistakes of others. This is just one example of how God can work in a person to change their biased views on something for the better.
I know that all of this can be argued either way, and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm articulating my point well. If you want to love others, you have to love others regardless of their views on this kind of stuff. Stop with all the hate speech and the "clever" Facebook memes 24/7. Respect each others differences, and pray that whatever you believe in is for the glory of God and God alone.
I agree 100% we are all different and trying to pigeonhole ourselves and others causes needless pain, hate and strife.