5. The Seeking- Yours Forever (Alternative/Hardcore)
I found out about this band because they were touring with a few of my favorites. I wanted to see what they were about and was pleasantly surprised. While most hardcore type bands sound like a screaming band with some melodic vocals from time to time, The Seeking sounds more like an alternative/rock band that screams every once in a while. What this does is put an emphasis on great vocals, the like of which I haven't heard from a band in this genre. On top of all of this, the lyrics are great and deep, and these guys are stand up Christians and awesome live.
Favorite songs- "Take It From Me", "So Cold", "Narrow Lines", "You Won't Bring Me Down", "Restless", "Change My Ways."
4. Thousand Foot Krutch- Set It Off (Rap rock/Alternative)
I don't know how else to say it. I love this CD. It takes me back to when music was fun and I was still a kid. TFK has been in the Christian music scene for like a decade now, and while I like most of their stuff, this CD has always been my favorite. Good, fun, clean lyrics, with a clear and evident focus on God. It may seem a little cheesy now for those of you that haven't ever listened to these guys, but this album jams from front to back.
Favorite songs: "When In Doubt", "Rhime Animal", "Supafly", "Alternative Song", "Lift It", "All The Way Live."
3. Emery- The Question (Rock/Hardcore)
This is probably the album that most Emery fans love the most, I would say. Some of the best songs of Emery's long career in the scene are found on this CD. I find the sing to scream ratio to be just about perfect on The Question, with some of the best lyrics Emery has to offer. I can still remember me and the guys rocking out this this CD in the car, and while those days have passed, I still listen to most of these songs on my IPod.
Favorite songs- "So Cold I Could See My Breath", "Studying Politics", "Left With Alibis and Lying Eyes", "Playing With Fire."
2. Everyday Sunday- Wake Up! Wake Up! (Punk/Pop Rock)
It's rare that a album come around and I can listen to every track on it, over and over again. This is one of them. With catchy music and heartfelt lyrics, this CD has been stuck in my playlist since it came out. These guys are a lot like Relient K, in that, they express their faith openly and without shame. While Everyday Sunday has put out at least three CDs that I would consider to be great, this one stands out as one of my all time favorites. Most of the songs are fun and easy to sing a long with, while others can make you cry in reflection.
Favorite songs: "Wake Up! Wake Up", "Find Me Tonight", "Tell Me You'll Be There", "Apathy For Apologies", "Let's Go Back."
And now to my number one album. I know that absolutely no one will agree with this, and that's fine, because this is my countdown. I hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed doing it for you!
1. Haste The Day- Attack Of The Wolf King (Post-Hardcore/Metal)
Where to start. Well, HTD has been around for a long, long time. As I am typing this, they are currently no longer a band, with "Attack Of The Wolf King" being their last album. Throughout years and quite a few albums, HTD have always been true to their faith. It's hard to find bands that care as much about God as they do about making money. This CD is hard. It's 2/3 screaming, but the clean vocals are awesome as well. The screaming is actually what makes this CD so good for me. Amazing passion and feeling, with no compromise in lyrical integrity. This album really explores what it's like to be consumed by darkness and sin, and how to come back to God's open arms. There is such a feeling of despair, but always with hope prevailing. I love the lyrics to "Travesty" that state:
"You cover me!
I am spent
and with death you paid my ransom
for the witness of your word.
To bring them in,
the jackal's sin.
Oh, the eyes death are upon me
and the watchman takes his toll.
If the river runs dry it will never take us home.
With idle minds we prove unconscious.
As the hunter stalks his prey.
His eyes, his eyes are locked on me
You cover the darkest part of me
with a look that's sure to set the captives free.
Oh, make way
for I am not the redeemer
Nor do the mountains fall in my name
But with slightest cry, my hunter,
you will fail to reach your prey.
Still with idle minds unconscious,
as the hunter stalks his prey.
His eyes, his eyes are locked on me.
You cover the darkest part of me
with a look that's sure to set the captives free.
With love that the blindest eyes will see,
You cover the darkest part of me.
As I am met with travesty,
and I am broken and I am empty.
And through it all I can see your face.
With words unspoken
I hear your voice and
I see the hand, The hand that writes it all.
You've called the wind to show its worth.
You've called the sun to brag about its warmth.
Because you are the writer!
Because you are the soul of the world.
You cover the darkest part of me
with a look that's sure to set the captives free.
With love that the blindest eyes will see
You cover the darkest part of me.
Because you are the writer!"
These are unbelievable lyrics. I get emotional every time I hear this song, and most of them are like this throughout the entire CD. If I could sum up this album with one word it would be passion. Passion for fellow man, passion for a closeness to God, and it shows clearly in all of their music. The lone slow song with no screaming is "White as snow" and it shows these guys are very talented musicians.
Favorite songs- "Travesty", "Dog Like Vultures", "White As Snow", "Crush Resistance", Wake Up The Sun", "Walk With A Crooked Spine", "The Un-Manifest"
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